
Coloring Tips - Part 2 Underpaint

Note: Click on the thumbnails to view larger image.

Part 1: Layering
Part 2: Underpaint
Part 3: Color Choices
Part 4: Shading and Contrast
Part 5: Steps of Coloring (walk-thru)

It's always a good practice to use underpaint. There are different approaches, the simplest and most basic approach is to start off on a toned background. It's common to go too light with colors on a white background, a toned background will help to avoid this, bring out more contrast and highlight.

Image done with white background (left) appears to be more pale compare to ones done with toned background (right)

For more advanced underpaint, you can paint a layer of all the wild colors and applies the flesh color on top to achieve a more realistic vibrant skin tone.

I had seen Ron (who organized the Saturday figure drawing sessions) using all kind of colors on the first layer for a pastel portrait, such as purple, green, red, blue and yellow. Then he applies the flesh color on top. Below is my attempt at something similar but less crazy and color intensive.

Back to Part 1: Layering
Go to Part 3: Color Choices

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